Register today for the Good Health @Work Awards

Improving the health and wellbeing of your workforce can have a considerable impact on your business and cost-line by reducing employee absences, improving productivity and creating a positive workplace for existing employees.

Funded by Suffolk County Council with no hidden costs, this award can help employers promote their business to current employees, potential candidates, the local community, and key stakeholders.

Are you ready to improve the health of your workforce?

Get Set UK have partnered with Suffolk County Council, to bring the
Good Health @Work Awards to SMEs across Suffolk. Free and personalised support from our team of
Navigators is also available to help you on your journey.

Why should your business take part in the GH@W Awards?

The Good Health @Work Award covers 6 standards that you will work towards. The Award framework is built around best practice and recognises Suffolk employers who invest in their employees’ health and wellbeing. Once approved, you can use the Award to promote your business to existing employees, potential candidates, your local community and other business stakeholders.

  • A holistic ‘wellbeing’ culture that promotes fairness and trust and helps people thrive (respectful culture, transparent communication, coaching, good management practice, supportive relationships, etc).
  • Value and listen to employees.
  • Ensure employees have autonomy and a voice in the running of the business.
  • Value and promote job security and job fulfilment amongst workers.
  • Promote a mental health and wellbeing culture.
  • Provide opportunities for workers to develop healthy lifestyles.
  • Provide a safe and healthy working environment.
  • Real Living Wage – Commitment to paying at least the Living Wage, ensuring that all employees (and supply chains) earn enough to meet the cost of living.
  • Financial wellbeing support – Debt and money management, Gambling, Scams and Addiction support. Access to counselling, saving schemes, online calculators and education through courses.
  • Provide additional benefits to workers e.g. flexible working, discount schemes etc.
  • Have a clear vision, values, strategies, and policies and processes that promote equality, diversity and inclusiveness in both workforce development AND recruitment.
  • Invest in training and developing the skills of the workforce to provide progression.
  • Invest in developing the future workforce, e.g. engaging with education providers, providing early opportunities for work experience or apprenticeships.
  • Demonstrate social responsibility through effective procurement and contracting policies and practices, e.g. buying locally, paying suppliers on time.
  • Connect with the local community and local employers, e.g. sharing good practice, mentoring or other schemes.
  • Promote personal social responsibility, e.g. supporting workers to undertake community projects or volunteering.
  • Have a clear commitment to sustainability including a reduction in carbon footprint and policies that protect the environment.
There is no need to complete all standards at once, you can choose to complete the Bronze, Silver, or Gold Award, depending on where you are on your journey to becoming a healthier workplace.

Achieve your GH@W Award
in 3 easy steps

The Good Health @Work Award is completely government-funded with no hidden costs. Simply apply below to start your GH@W Award Journey. Once you’ve submitted your form you will receive a call from a Get Set UK Navigator who will walk through a Organisational Health Assessment to determine your needs and identify the most appropriate standards for you to work towards.

Step 1

Complete the simple online form

Step 2

Complete Organisational Health Assessment with your Navigator to receive a tailored Action Plan

Step 3

Complete your tailored Action Plan at your own speed with support from your Navigator

Receive your GH@W Award

Start your Award journey now

If you are ready to start your Award journey, apply below and one of the team will be in touch.

Don’t forget that you can access 100s of free workplace health and wellbeing resources in our Resource Hub.


Good News Stories 

See what some of our participants have to say about their experience of the Good Health @ Work Award Programme.


    Join the Good Health @Work Ambassador Network

    Supporting workplace health and wellbeing can be challenging for SMEs, which is why we’ve created the Good Health @Work Ambassador Network. This peer-to-peer group helps Suffolk businesses share best practices and create lasting change.

    Ambassadors collaborate with SMEs to improve employee wellbeing while fostering a supportive network. If you’ve completed our self-assessment framework, you can become an Ambassador and guide others on their journey.


    Resource Hub

    View 100s of free resources to help you in becoming a happier, healthier workplace, improve employee retention and support you in achieving the Good Health @Work Award.

    Navigator Service

    Save time by working with one of our Navigators who will help you assess your business needs and highlight areas for improvement.